Supervision of Coach Supervisors
Julia Menaul is one of the few supervisors to be qualified in two leading supervision qualifications and has over a decade’s worth experience of supervising supervisors whether they are still in training or trying to establish a successful coach supervision business.
“Supervision is where we take the fear out of the work” – Robin Shohet.
Why is supervision of coach supervisors important and different to supervision of coaches?
Watch the video below for some insight into my approach of supervision of supervision. I have been supervising other supervisors since 2010 and bring my experience of supervising coaches since 2006.
For both formats it can be about putting case work under the microscope, plus holding and assuaging risk in the system. (Where is your support if the worst should happen? Who is in your corner?)
It is also about a greater system lens that includes considering the ghosts or stakeholders in the client system (the individual and the organisational client.)
For supervision of supervision, the ultimate client may be three to four times removed. Parallel process may have a bigger role to play in supervising supervisors because of the multiplying effect. E.g., who or what in the system has not been given attention and is coming in directly or indirectly as a symptom?
For supervisors, the emphasis on CPD as Continuing Personal Development (as well as Continuing Professional Development) is I believe where the learning edge starts to extend. This certainly comes about by creative and robust supervision of supervision, but it is also accelerated by the supervisor undergoing additional personal interventions such as therapy, more coaching, greater psychological research and continued reading (and not just reading about coaching and supervision but an amalgamation of impressions from a variety of walks of life.) Whether that be the felt presence in our everyday personal relationships, current affairs, politics, economics, and commerce. Developing as supervisors may just as readily come from watching global news each day, as it does from devouring the latest tome to hit the shelves written by the great and good in the coaching supervision world.
As two supervisors working in alliance, all this knowledge and experience brings together questions to sit with, such as:
How do all processes in context interconnect? How do we bring greater wisdom and insight while paradoxically sitting comfortably with not knowing at all, until something emerges?
Supervision of supervision is going beyond ego, connecting with humility (while accepting our human failings) and engaging with fearless compassion.
Come join me in the delicious fuzziness of a journey with no end! For one-to-one supervision either face to face in Stafford or online, then contact me for a no obligation chat to check out the fit is right for both of us. You may want supervision on your supervision separately from your current supervisor or you may want to combine both coaching and supervision of supervision in one place. Talk to Julia about your needs.
Group Supervision for Supervisors
If you are interested in supervision of your supervision within a group, then please contact me for details of the next fixed membership group or visit the events page.