What is Coaching Supervision?
Watch this video to find out about the benefits of coaching:
One to one Supervision - this is where you have quality time with your supervisor, that is solely for you and your client work whether as an independent coach or an internal coach. Frequency and timing can be contracted for, depending on individual needs and budget although I ask coaches to initially commit to a minimum of four one-hour sessions for the first year (pay- as-you-go). A minimum recommendation would be once a quarter but ideally once every 4-6 weeks via phone or zoom. After that, contracting can work with your own specific and personal needs based on your level of work and other factors such as future accreditations or tenders that may require a formal statement of supervisor arrangements. Larger organisational groups of one-to-one work can be conducted at employers’ premises for internal coaches. Top tips for a successful internal coaching pool
Group Supervision - Internal group supervision for organisations with a frequency to suit budget and coaching pool needs. Julia Menaul has also been running an independent coaching supervision support and CPD group since 2012 (now online). An ideal way of meeting supervision needs while sharing and networking with other like-minded coaches.
A Group Coaching Supervision session in Manchester
Check out upcoming fixed membership coach supervision groups and past events here: Spark Events.
Why choose Julia as your supervisor?
- A learning and development professional with an in-depth knowledge of helping people to learn and change.
- A coach and supervisor with a psychology background that helps with the reading of relationships and/organisational systems.
- A coach with a corporate background who understands the politics, complexity and ambiguity of organisational life.
- A coach with a pragmatic approach to coaching grounded in real life experiences who works alongside her coaches in equal partnership.
- Someone with the highest levels of ethical and professional standards so that supervisees get the ultimate in sensitive support whilst being challenged and stretched to attain mastery as a coach.
- Someone who has had many years of supervision and coaching herself and is a lifelong learner; being in touch with developments in the field of coaching and with current coaching supervision research.
Why do coaches need supervision?
- In a crowded coaching market, regular supervision helps a coach stand out. It shows commitment to regularly updating your skills (long after qualification) by reflecting on you and your practice with an experienced coach and supervisor. It ensures you are operating safely within the current ethical guidelines of the major coaching bodies. This shows to clients that they are safe with you and you with them. And if the worst should happen you have back up and support.
The Global Code of Ethics of the AC and EMCC says about on-going supervision:
- 4.3 To support their learning and on-going professional development, members will engage in regular reflective practice.
- 4.4 Members will engage in supervision with a suitably qualified/experienced supervisor and peer supervision group with a level of frequency that is appropriate to their coaching, mentoring or supervision practice, the requirements of their professional body and the level of their accreditation.
- 4.5 Members need to ensure that any other existing relationship with the supervisor does not interfere with the quality of the supervision provided.
- 4.6 Members will discuss any ethical dilemmas and potential, or actual, breaches of this code with their supervisor or peer supervision group for support/guidance.